More Sales, Less Discounts During This Coming Holiday Season

It is that time of the year when every retailer should being to get ready for more sales and less discounts during the upcoming holiday season.
This is the time when every business owner should be planning their strategy to increase sales volume and stay ahead of the competition.
You should have a forecast of sales, have the stock available and a marketing strategy that will help you succeed.
Retailers should also create an excitement retail environment for the local community and create an atmosphere of community , service and unique products that build strong bond and loyal customers.
It shouldn’t be a race to the bottom with price wars, but more of being able to provide the convenience of value is key.
Holiday season should be a special time to rejoice and celebrate with some of your favorite clientele and offer them some incentives and give them a reason beyond guilt and price to shop local.
The following are some tips from Vinci to increase in-store sales over the 2019 holiday season.
• Make sure you have something for every one and limited in production styles.
• Host fun events with the help of social media and make sure they tag your store! Create a hashtag for your store and one for the local community
• Give them a small gift with every purchase with a minimum order quantity, something for you from us
• Have special holiday extended hours and flexible return policies
• Make sure you have a comfy area with Wi-fi available
• Participate in local events, holiday fairs and parades with your own marketing material
• Offer a coat and bag check for shopper. Don’t fuss too much. It could just be a coat rack with a small sign
• Make sure you have enough personal and don’t make the customer wait long line
• Strengthen your brand, make sure on every sale the take some promotional item with your logo
• And last but not least make sure to update your technology, whether it is upgrading you POS or accepting digital payments can benefit both you and your consumer
We hope this article has been to help to you and results in more Sales, Less Discounts during this coming holiday season.